Government Executives Network |
The professional development peer-group network for public sector managers and executives. Our online trainings are designed to around one simple yet imperative consideration to provide you with information, best practices, advice and tools that you will be able to put into practice immediately after the seminar not theory. Youll hear from experts, who have worked in and with government agencies and have proven track records. These experts will go over many financial issues, like 401ks, IRAs, life insurance, etc. Are you a college student enrolled in a government studies course? If you have not purchased your textbooks yet, don't buy them at the university bookstore - they will gauge you. The best way to find cheap textbooks is to buy online by comparing the prices amongst many retailers. will do this for you, in seconds. Rhode Island, and more specifically Providence, has great colleges and universities, like Brown University, RI School of Design, Johnson & Wales University, Providence College, Salve Regina University, etc. Some of these educational institutions offer courses designed for executives. If you need to find a home in RI, try this website.
Online Training | Hispanics In The Government Workforce |